02 – WHO we are…

Welcome to our site! ….we will work hard to fill it with incredible information for a better understanding why we are crazy and why our project is crazy too…..so, guys…CIAO

If we would be Chinese….we would be suggesting you to..take a sit and have a cup of tea…. but since you will be surfing in a site of a fantastic Ethiopian/Italian joint venture……we better tell you ….let’s take a sit and drink a cup of one of the best coffee of the world…and join us in changing the world…fighting against the so called “system”…unless you are planning your future like this one below…

remember…the System is the enemy…not your brother..

By the way….you could ask me.. WHO are you??….well…let’s start from me…i’m italian…yes….a member of a tribe living in this planet…we were known as “romans”…yes….those guys who conquered the world many, many years ago….a mixture of afro-indo-europeus peoples who settled them in the region we actually call Italy and went on conquering a large part of the ancient world, the one known at that time…With some of   my best friends and with some exceptional new African friends, we altogether, decided to start a “Mission Impossible” in Ethiopia, the Land of Origin…Impossible in ALL sense…..but we will try to change the way our coffee is being sold and stop the unfairness of the traders….

Let’s start our story…


01 – Home

Welcome to this crazy site!

HEY!!!… be patient pleeeeease…WE ARE STILL IN PRODUCTION….so….sorry if all this all is not FULL ready……i’v been even wondering if it w’ll be EVER finished…too many things to write…too much pain in our hearts…..too many argument to discuss…but..

If you’re curious about a story like so many other similar, to be honest, but that most of us, humans, are contributing every day to write with a simple gesture, the one to order and drink a cup of coffee… well. ..you arrived at the right place and time …. From today, Anno Domini 2019, December 14th, we want to launch a campaign to change things in a sector that involves so many humans … (humans ?? … yes! … you know .. those strange guys who inhabit this planet … the Earth)….

Ah! … just to clarify … I am a white Ethiopian … maybe I’ll tell you my name in the next pages, and with some real Ethiopian friends and other crazy whites, we will try to change the cards on the table in this wonderful country of the over 10,000 types of coffee…and where millions of them depend…. And…a last thing…..wondering why you cannot see our faces yet?…..wow!..what a silly question….do you really believe ALL people will love what we will do?!?!?!!?…

Still here reading?…wondering what the hell is the Mandelbrot Set!?!?!.…..wow! .. I got your attention…veeery good!…now take a sit and have a cup of our coffee…the only original Arabica Coffee



As you can imagine, an Ethio-Italian project have different locations and in this part of our site we will introduce you who is doing what and where we do it….the world is huge…

Hello fckd world!

Yes brothers!…we are living in a fucked world and I want you to understand WHY we have arrived to this dramatic and unacceptable situation… OK!…let’s start by assisting to these video…and remember, we all should really start caring of our planet and of the people around us….their problems will be YOUR problems within a very …